
events we attend

CAPPI SIRO 2022 – Córdoba – Argentina

CAPPI is the meeting of small and medium-sized internet provider companies in the region of the Argentine Republic, which through associativity and complementation seek to motorize the sector and promote sustainable growth, hand in hand with new information technologies.

CAPPI 2019 – Bahía Blanca – Argentina

CAPPI is the meeting of small and medium-sized internet provider companies in the region of the Argentine Republic, which through associativity and complementation seek to motorize the sector and promote sustainable growth, hand in hand with new information technologies.

eCommerce Go 2018 – Bahía Blanca – Argentina

The Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce launches a specialistso to grow the eCommerce industry throughout the country. In each specialist, local and national references will participate who will share the opportunities of the digital economy in Argentina.

Why Anatod?

We are characterized by our responsibility, professionalism and dedication to our clients.